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Aragonite Stone: History, Formation, & Metaphysical Properties

Also known as tchazar crystal and tufa, aragonite is a natural gemstone that is said to carry a wide range of metaphysical and healing properties. Named for the Aragon River in Spain in which it was first discovered, it typically forms in shades of yellow and orange and has come to be seen as a symbol of understanding and truth. Today, it is held in high regard as an earth healer and is believed to work with the root chakra to help one remain grounded and connected to the earth.

Aragonite is also thought to be an excellent stabilizing stone that promotes concentration and focus. It raises the body’s overall vibrations and can help you connect with higher realms. Many people who practice crystal healing enjoy working with this stone’s intense energies and making it part of their daily lives.

Aragonite History

Compared to some of the stones that have been used by humans since the dawn of civilization, aragonite is a relatively “new” gemstone. It was first discovered in the Aragon River in Spain in 1788 and was named in 1790. While it has existed much longer and has likely been used for various purposes in different cultures, little is known about the history of this stone.

Aragonite Physical Properties


Aragonite is a carbonate gemstone that typically ranges in color from straw yellow to a mellow shade of orange. It occurs naturally around hot springs and in stalactites and is sometimes referred to as “floss ferri” or “iron flowers” because it has intertwined branch-like crystal formations that resemble flowers.

Aragonite also forms in mollusk shells. The mantle tissue inside pearl oysters secretes it as nacre to form a pearl. Layers of the substance also build up on the inside of the mollusk’s shell to form what we know as mother of pearl. Thin layers of aragonite are what create the pearl-like beauty that can be seen inside abalone shells.

Aragonite is usually translucent or transparent and has a vitreous luster. While it most often forms in shades of yellow and orange, it is white or colorless when pure. In some cases, it may also form in shades of green, blue, or pink, too. With a rating of 3.5 on the hardness scale, it is a relatively brittle stone. For this reason, it is not typically cut into gemstones for jewelry making purposes.

Aragonite is found around the world in places like Morocco, Austria, Mexico, Russia, and the United States. It usually forms in sedimentary rock and as a deposit from hot springs. It can also be found in some cavities and veins where dolomite and calcite are present.

Aragonite Metaphysical Properties

If you are looking for a crystal that is helpful during times of stress, aragonite is an excellent option. It is a powerful stabilizing stone that grounds and centers physical energies and is said to promote mental and emotional stability. It also provides a strong and stable foundation for spiritual development and can help you prepare for meditation. It provides strength and support and is especially helpful for anyone who feels like they have far too much responsibility resting on their shoulders. This powerful stone is also said to help combat emotional stress and anger.

Different colors of this stone resonate with different chakras. Yellow and orange specimens resonate with the sacral and solar plexus chakras. Pink and green aragonite works with the heart chakra, and blue aragonite works with the throat chakra. White and colorless specimens can be used to stimulate the crown chakra.

Aragonite Healing Properties

Aragonite is believed to be a powerful physical and emotional healer. It can make you feel more comfortable within your body and is said to combat illness and disease. It brings warmth to the extremities and facilitates the flow of energy throughout the body. It is sometimes used to treat Raynaud’s Disease and is said to strengthen the immune system and protect once against colds, the flu, and viral infections.

Healers use aragonite to heal broken bones and restore elasticity to the discs in the spine. It is also used to eliminate muscle spasms and night twitches and to aid with calcium absorption. It works with many of the body’s systems and organs but is especially beneficial to the nervous system, prostate gland, and ovaries.

As a tool for emotional healing, aragonite can help you overcome over-sensitivity. It is extremely useful during times of stress and is great for anyone who tends to push themselves too hard. It encourages discipline, patience, and reliability and grounds you firmly in the truth. It fights anger and provides the support and strength you may need to get through a difficult time. It’s also a great tool to have close by when you are feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities at home or at work.

Aragonite can also help you reconnect with your past to heal old traumas. It urges you to see reality and can help improve your focus on the matter at hand. It can also help you feel secure and keep nightmares at bay.

How to Use Aragonite

Placing aragonite in your environment is a simple and effective way to experience its benefits for yourself. Keep a piece at work to help diffuse stressful situations, and place one next to your bed or under your pillow to prevent nightmares and alleviate insomnia. You can also carry aragonite in your pocket to help yourself remain balanced and grounded throughout the day. When used during meditation, it can help you stay focused and experience a deeper meditative experience. And when you are finished, it will help you come back to reality.

Aragonite is a powerful stone that belongs in every crystal collection. Whether you are interested in it because of its beauty or you would like to use it in your crystal healing practice, Crystal Allies has high-quality aragonite from Morocco for any purpose. Browse our website today to find a piece that speaks to you!

NOTE: All content on this website is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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