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Azurite Stone: History, Formation, & Metaphysical Properties

Named for its deep blue hue, azurite is a stone that’s prized equally for its beauty and its supposed metaphysical properties. Shrouded in mystery, its secrets were once only known to the highest priestesses and priests. It was believed to open gateways to the heavens by the ancient Chinese and, today, remains a powerful tool for those who are seeking enlightenment and connection with the Divine.

Azurite is said to guide intuitive and psychic development, and its dark blue color aligns perfectly with the third eye chakra. It is believed to expand the mind and bring forth new perspectives and clear understanding. It is not an abundant or common mineral, but it has been used by people in various parts of the world for thousands of years. Historically, it has been used as a pigment, an ore of copper, a gemstone, and a decorative stone. Azurite is still used for all of these purposes today and is an exceptional addition to any crystal collection.

Azurite Physical Properties

The most striking physical property of azurite mineral is its deep blue color. Its color is, in fact, where the name is derived from. Known as “azure,” the color is reminiscent of the deep blue night skies that can often be seen over winter landscapes and deserts.

The Azurite rock is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral that typically forms when waters laden with carbon dioxide are absorbed into the earth and react with copper ores present below the surface. Carbonic acid in the water dissolves copper from the ore and carries it until it reaches a new environment in which azurite may form. Formations typically occur in cavities, and pore spaces of subsurface rock. It has been found in many parts of the world, including the United States, France, Namibia, and Morocco. At Crystal Allies, we source high-quality azurite specimens from mines located in Anhui, China, and Bou Beker, Morocco.

With a rating of 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs hardness scale, azurite is a relatively soft mineral. For this reason, it is not often used in jewelry. It has a vitreous, earthy luster, and while it is typically opaque, some translucent and transparent varieties exist.

Azurite History

Raw Azurite up close. 

Azurite has been used by humans since the beginning of recorded history. To the ancient Egyptians and the people of Atlantis, it was a psychic stone that was shrouded in mystery. The ancient Chinese called it the “Stone of Heaven” and believed that it could be used to open celestial gateways. It was also revered by the Romans and Greeks who prized it for its healing powers and the visionary insights it offered. The Mayans believed that this stone enabled the flow of knowledge and wisdom through thought and that it inspired one’s mystical side, and Native Americans used it to connect with their spiritual guides.

Beginning in the Middle Ages, azurite was used as a dye and pigment. For this reason, it was popular among painters of the time. It has also been used for carving decorative ornaments and talismans for thousands of years.

Today, azurite is still used as a color base in certain paints and is widely used for decorative purposes. Members of the metaphysical community also believe that it is a powerful tool of enlightenment and that it carries numerous emotional and physical healing properties.

Azurite Metaphysical Properties

Azurite is closely associated with the third eye chakra and is said to soothe the mind and help one connect with the Divine. It can restore balance and aid one in controlling their emotions. Its energy is also said to aid lightworkers, such as mediums and psychics, in their work. It is also said to work well when used as a pendulum.

This beautiful stone stimulates the mind and can help one discover links within their world. It encourages the study of new subjects and helps students during all parts of their education. It is said to improve concentration and the retention of new information, too.

Azurite Healing Properties

Azurite is a powerful tool for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Physically, it is said to be effective in treatments for disorders of the vertebrae, rib cage, and small bones. It may also help in spinal alignment treatments and treatments for arthritis, small bone problems, and problems affecting the joints. It is also used for detoxification purposes and for diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys, liver, and spleen. It aids in circulation and works to correct damage to the brain, making it ideal for people with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other degenerative diseases affecting the brain.

On an emotional level, azurite releases worry and stress and can help one overcome grief and depression. It is said to allow the mind to be infused with positive thoughts and feelings and eliminate irrational fears and phobias. Working with this stone can help one overcome an inferiority complex or a need to please others. It can also ease tensions between different generations and in mixed families.

Spiritually, it stimulates the third eye chakra and can make the mind more receptive to spiritual guidance. It helps one gain a greater awareness of both the physical and spiritual worlds and can make one more open to new ideas and visions. It can also work with the throat chakra to help one communicate more clearly and express their personal truth to the world.

How to Use Azurite

Jewelry made of azurite beads.

If you would like to harness the powerful healing energy of azurite for yourself, there are several ways to do so. Larger pieces of this mineral make excellent display pieces and can be placed anywhere in your home. This stone is also a powerful tool when placed in the workplace. Smaller pieces of azurite can be carried in your pocket and kept with you to ensure that you experience its benefits throughout the day.

Discover the powers of azurite for yourself by placing an order from Crystal Allies. We stock only the highest-quality specimens from China and Morocco, and would love to help you build your personal gemstone collection!

NOTE: All content on this website is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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