Also known as magnetic pyrite because it is weakly magnetic and resembles pyrite, pyrrhotite is an iron sulfide mineral that is a variant of another mineral known as troilite – which is typically found in meteorites. It is commonly found along with pentlandite in metamorphic rocks and basic igneous rocks and veins. This mineral also frequently occurs with magnetite, marcasite, and pyrite. This mineral is unusual because its iron content is variable. This variability occurs due to iron deficiencies in the mineral’s chemical structure. These deficiencies are also responsible for the stone’s magnetism. The greater the iron deficiency, the stronger the mineral’s attraction to magnetic fields.
Because pyrrhotite’s chemical structure varies, it can also form in different shapes. It can be found in both monoclinic and hexagonal symmetries. Technically, the variations in symmetries should lead to pyrrhotite being a mineral group as opposed to a single mineral, but sub-classifications of this stone are not commonly made.
As an iron-based mineral, pyrrhotite is believed to have a powerful energy that does wonders for the human body, too. Despite it being a rather prevalent stone, though, it is not widely used in metaphysical and crystal healing practices. When it isused for these purposes, though, the effects can be quite dramatic.
Pyrrhotite History
The name “pyrrhotite” is derived from the Greek word “pyrrhos,” which means “flame-colored”. It was given this name even though the mineral is typically a bronze color rather than the red or orange typically associated with fire. In some instances, however, tarnished specimens may display bits of sparkling red that is reminiscent of sparks.
Pyrrhotite was first discovered in Mine Chichibu, Akaiwa, in 1835. It has since been found in numerous locations, including the United States, Mexico, Russia, Brazil, and Germany. Because of this mineral’s tendency to crumble, however, crystals are rarely found intact. At Crystal Allies, we source stunning intact pyrrhotite specimens from Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, China.
Industrially, this mineral is often used as an ore of sulfide and iron. When crystals are found, however, they are usually snatched up by collectors due to their relative rarity.
In Connecticut and Quebec, some quarries included pyrrhotite in its concrete mixtures. Unfortunately, the iron sulfide in this mineral can react with water and oxygen over time and begin to swell and crack. As a result, concrete basements build using pyrrhotite-containing cement mixtures have been known to crumble in these areas.
Pyrrhotite's Physical Properties

As previously mentioned, pyrrhotite is a unique mineral because its chemical structure can vary. It usually forms in shades of bronze, yellow, or dark silvery grey. On exposed surfaces, crystals may tarnish and become darker. Sometimes, a slightly blue or red iridescence forms as this mineral tarnishes.
Pyrrhotite is composed primarily of iron sulfide, but occasionally, there are inclusions of cobalt and nickel. It is opaque, has a metallic luster, and a specific gravity of 4.5 to 4.6. With a hardness rating of 3.5 to 4.5, it is somewhat soft and easy to scratch. Crystals are typically pseudohexagonal in shape and may be flat or have wide midsections. Stacked barrel-shaped crystals commonly occur.
This mineral can be strongly or moderately attracted to magnetic fields depending on iron deficiencies in its chemical structure. If it is completely non-magnetic, however, it is troilite rather than pyrrhotite. It forms in metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rock in several environments, including pegmatites, hydrothermal replacement deposits, marbles, carbonatites, nepheline syenites, and skarns. Rarely, it occurs in prismatic crystal forms that are highly desirable to collectors.
Metaphysical Properties of Pyrrhotite
This mineral primarily provides mental and emotional healing. It is said to remove tension and anxiety and bring about feelings of stability and security. It can also help you focus on the things that are most important without becoming distracted by things that do not matter. Pyrrhotite is also said to help those who work with it let go of anger and fear.
Physically, this stone is said to help soothe body aches and pains. Because it is associated with the sacral chakra, it may also be used to treat problems involving allergies, addictive behaviors, sexual dysfunction, eating disorders, and the urinary tract. Pyrrhotite is a highly energetic stone that does an excellent job of cleaning and charging the chakras, so using it for this purpose could be highly beneficial.
Pyrrhotite's Healing Properties
This mineral primarily provides mental and emotional healing. It is said to remove tension and anxiety and bring about feelings of stability and security. It can also help you focus on the things that are most important without becoming distracted by things that do not matter. Pyrrhotite is also said to help those who work with it let go of anger and fear.
Physically, this stone is said to help soothe body aches and pains. Because it is associated with the sacral chakra, it may also be used to treat problems involving allergies, addictive behaviors, sexual dysfunction, eating disorders, and the urinary tract. Pyrrhotite is a highly energetic stone that does an excellent job of cleaning and charging the chakras, so using it for this purpose could be highly beneficial.
Physically, epidote has the ability to increase energy levels. This can be useful when trying to strengthen the physical body. It helps the body absorb vital nutrients. It strengthens the immune system, helps with the body’s natural healing process, and serves as an exceptional tool for physical recovery. It is said to work with the gall bladder, adrenal glands, liver, brain, and thyroid, too.
Working with Pyrrhotite

Because it is such an uncommon stone, little is known about the best ways in which to work with. It is not commonly used in meditation, but doing so could have powerful results. If you meditate with this stone in your hand and focus on its energies, you may find that the solution to a major problem in your life is right at your fingertips. While you are in a meditative state, it can help you uncover the perfect solution to even the most difficult problem. It can also infuse you with much-needed energy and allow it to flow freely through your body.
Pyrrhotite is also a lovely stone to place in your environment. Simply keeping it near you can make you feel better, and even if you don’t believe in the metaphysical powers of crystals, the beauty of pyrrhotite is sure to brighten your mood! At Crystal Allies, we carry rare minerals that collectors and crystal healers love. To bring the beauty and unique properties of pyrrhotite to your home, please browse our selection of high-quality specimens today!
NOTE: All content on this website is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.